Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Great Flooring Options and Its Various Types

Today, our life standard has increased and we have full of luxury available around us. Even in our houses, we don’t make any mistake in decorating our houses. We keep full care of things like the color of walls, windows, cleaning the house, and designing the house floors. House floor designing is one of the things, now people are much concerned about. Let’s discuss about various facets of wooden floors and their types…

Wooden flooring:

Almost every house in the western world is adorned with things like wooden flooring. It was a very unique way of making attractive floors which started in mid 80s. But its revolution began in the starting of the 21st century. There are many flooring companies Glasgow which is having the facility of providing wooden floors in your houses. Today, we have much of the business solely dependent on the wooden floors, which include providing wood to the floor plank making companies and installing floors in the customer’s home or offices.

There are many advantages of wooden floors. One of the major advantages of installing wooden floors in our house is that is very light in weight. In countries, where houses are transported from places to places, it is easier to transport the wooden floor from one location to another as it is not permanently joined like in the case of concrete floor. Second advantage is that is gives a unique look to the house.


Many types of wooden flooring's we can have. Some of the most used types are- v-grooved floors, wooden laminates, and engineered planks also. In wooden laminates, very thin sheets of wood are stuck onto a plane concrete surface. It is very tender and mostly used for light applications where there is a less usage of the floor. But the problem was faced where these laminates were used in light use applications. So, engineers designed a new type of wooden plank design which could provide insulation to heat, and would be stronger as well.

Engineered planks are thicker in size and are designed in such a way that provides excellent insulation to heat, and is chemically stable with durability as well. Karndean Flooring Glasgow is such an example, which provides wooden floor facility to various cities at affordable prices. Apart from the type of application, there are many types of woods that can be used for wooden flooring.

Most common types of woods include- maple wood, deodar wood, cedar wood etc. if someone is interested in choosing a wood of his own choice, he can go directly to the wooden plank manufacturer and demand for the particular type of floor. With rising competition and in a bid to satisfy customers, companies are trying to provide more facilities to their customers like warranty, free maintenance and even more.

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