Monday, 11 August 2014

How to Create an Estimate for a Commercial Flooring Job

With any commercial flooring job, you'll have to create an estimate first. Most flooring companies in Glasgow will provide a free estimate for a job. This prevents the customer from being backed into a corner and forced to make a decision on the spot. It may take time away from other projects, but it's necessary for providing good service.

In this article, we are going to focus on how you should begin creating an estimate for a commercial flooring job.

Attend the Scene

Always attend the work area first. You cannot tell how big a job truly is from the blueprints or a few pictures alone. You never know when there are additional obstacles, such as little alcoves and uneven walls. An experienced contractor will always walk through the scene to understand the true extent of the project in question.

The Material and the Size

With contract flooring, you could find yourself working with a range of materials. You will not have the same price for each one. On the contrary, you can expect to have entirely different prices for every material and every colour. Will it cost you more if you have to order a specific colour or pattern in especially for this job? Questions like this need to be answered.

When you've done that, measure the area you are working on. This will give you a rough idea as to what the customer can expect to pay to have the job carried out.

Establish the Supply

Most industrial flooring in Glasgow has to be ordered in from a supplier. After taking down the requirements of the project, perform a supply check. You do not want to end up in a situation where you have to tell the customer you cannot get the material they want after providing them with an estimate.

Consider Your Costs

Take all your costs into account. So far, you have only taken into account the actual materials and the square footage of the room(s) you'll be working in. You also need to consider how long it is going to take you to complete the project and the impact of any additional costs.

The main cost you will have to consider is labour costs, fuel costs, and any extra deliveries you might have to pay for. It all adds up, and you do not want to affect your profit margins by forgetting to take these into account.

It's Okay to Negotiate…Sometimes

So you've come up with a price and the customer wants to negotiate. This is where you have a decision to make. Experienced contractors understand the buyer wants to make savings. This is why they quote slightly above the price they want. When they reduce it, this will normally be enough to sway the customer.

Always have limits. If the price the customer wants is completely unreasonable, do not be afraid to walk away. Yes, you will have lost all that time spent compiling a quote for no reason, but it is better than leaving yourself out of pocket on a project that is going nowhere. Professionals always know when to walk away.

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